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Erectile Dysfunction: Forget Viagra! Try this no-medicine research-backed approach instead!

Updated: Nov 6, 2023

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is more common than most people perceive and it can occur in men as young as 25! Usually afflicting men over the age of 40, the taboo and stigma associated with this condition stops men from seeking the help they need and continue to live in unneccessary shame and anxiety much to their and their partner's distress.

Erectile dysfunction has a variety of causes and is often treatable. It is generally acknowledged that erectile dysfunction is positively corelated with the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension, among other disorders. Presence of abundant visceral/ belly fat and a largely sedentary lifestyle are also present in most people with ED.

Please Note: ED can be a harbinger for future cardiovascular events and is why all patients with ED should be screened for cardiovascular risk. This is because the coronary arteries and the penile arteries are similar in size and tend to develop atherosclerotic problems similarly. Since the penile arteries are smaller, they will tend to develop blockage from atherosclerotic plaques earlier resulting in ED years before the clinical appearance of coronary artery disease. Hence ED should be taken seriously and early intervention for reversing ED can help prevent adverse cardiovascular events in the future!

A recent study showed that exercising for 30 min, 3 times a week can be as effective as popping Viagra or similar medications in treating ED and the people with the most severe form of ED benefitted the most! The study was published in OCT 2023 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine and mentioned that aerobic activities -- such as walking or cycling – improved erectile function in all men with erectile dysfunction, regardless of body weight, overall health, or medication use.

Regular cardiovascular exercise will not only help men reverse their ED but will also help them dodge future cardiovascular events, diabetes and certain forms of cancers alongwith improving their overall vigor and longevity.

Alongwith aerobic exercise, certain natrual ayurvedic supplements like Ashwagandha and Gokshura can help as well ( more on the usage of these in coming blogs). Sleeping for minimum 6 to 8 hours alongwith intentional mental relaxation activities can go a long way towards ensuring long-term sexual potency and health!

Hope you found this information useful!

Do connect with us on +91 9321539167 to reverse ED naturally and permanently using scientific and evidence based health techniques!

- Team MetaboliX


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