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Understanding Diastasis Recti: Causes, Symptoms and much more

Understanding Diastasis Recti:

Diastasis Recti refers to the partial or complete separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, commonly known as the "six-pack," along the midline of the stomach. This condition is prevalent during and after pregnancy, affecting up to 60% of women as the abdominal muscles stretch to accommodate the growing uterus.

Woman pointing her stomach

Importantly, Diastasis Recti is not exclusive to pregnancy and can affect individuals regardless of gender or age, often stemming from incorrect weightlifting techniques or unsafe abdominal exercises.

Identifying Symptoms:

Common symptoms of Diastasis Recti include a noticeable bulge or pooch in the stomach and lower back pain. Individuals may also experience poor posture, constipation, and bloating. During pregnancy, the bulge may become more apparent in the second or third trimester, persisting as a lingering "pooch" postpartum.

Diastasis Recti after birth in stomach of woman

Self-Check after Childbirth:

To self-check for Diastasis Recti post-childbirth, lie on your back with legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Gently raise your shoulders off the floor, supporting your head with one hand, and check for any gaps between your midline ab muscles above and below the bellybutton. A gap of one to two finger lengths indicates a moderate case of Diastasis Recti, which tends to narrow over time with proper care.

Causes of Diastasis Recti:

Excessive inner-abdominal pressure, especially during pregnancy, leads to Diastasis Recti. The stretching of abdominal muscles and connective tissues, influenced by hormones like relaxin and estrogen, contributes to the condition. Notably, factors like body mass index (BMI), weight gain during pregnancy, baby's weight, and maternal age, once considered risk factors, were debunked by a 2015 study.

Treatment of Diastasis Recti in woman

Treatment and Exercises:

While some abdominal separation during pregnancy is expected, preventive measures are crucial. This includes wearing a binder or Tubigrip for support, avoiding heavy lifting, maintaining good posture, and supporting the lower back when sitting or standing. Modified, pregnancy-safe exercises are recommended to continue strengthening the core.

Postpartum, exercises targeting pelvic floor and deep stomach muscles are integral. Consulting with a certified fitness coach or a postpartum fitness specialist can provide guidance on suitable exercises. Traditional crunches, sit-ups, and planks should be avoided until the abdomen heals.

Diastasis Recti exercise and causes

Complications and Prevention:

Complications arising from Diastasis Recti include compromised trunk stability, back and pelvic pain, posture damage, pelvic floor dysfunction, and in extreme cases, hernias. Pre-pregnancy, focus on core strengthening, including pelvic floor and oblique muscles, while maintaining proper form during abdominal exercises.

Looking Ahead:

For those experiencing Diastasis Recti symptoms hindering daily activities, seeking guidance from a physical therapist specializing in postpartum recovery is recommended. Surgical options are available in extreme cases, depending on individual circumstances and preferences.

Diastasis Recti cure and treatment

Connect with MetaboliX:

If you're seeking personalized guidance on managing Diastasis Recti or improving overall fitness and nutrition, I'm here to help. Feel free to reach out to me on WhatsApp at +91 9321539167 Let's work together to overcome challenges and achieve your fitness goals!


Diastasis Recti may present challenges, but with personalized guidance from a certified fitness and nutrition coach, you can overcome them. At MetaboliX, we are committed to providing comprehensive support to help you achieve your fitness goals. Take the first step towards a stronger, healthier you – contact us today!


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